0836554169 or WhatsApp 0817679457 thor@torcon.co.za

Construction services include:

  • building
  • design
  • construction management
  • refurbishment
  • renovations
  • maintenance

NHBRC registered since 2000. Thor Hansen has over 30 years of experience with a  Degree in Construction Management. Torcon is strongly differentiated by the breadth and depth of our expertise and knowledge of the markets in which it operates; with a focus on sustainability, which we see as delivering consistently excellent returns and meeting or exceeding the needs of our clients; building good relationships with our clients and the communities in which we work.



Nico van der Meulen

Barak Mizrachi

R Viviers -Stitch Architects

R Viviers – Stitch Architects

S Heinen – Studio 12 Design

S Heinen – Studio 12 Design

Emerald Terrace

Le Vine Constantia Guest House

Kevin Johnston IN-A Pty Ltd 

Morningside Terraces

Monaghan Farm

Joluka Factory

Westlake Factories

Westlake Factory

Rivonia Primary School

Sandton Lodge – Rivonia

Sandton Lodge – Inanda

Alan Dickson – Archland Design

ACS Khanda 

ARB Electrical